jonasdirectingJonas McCord has a distinguished career in New York and Hollywood where he has worked for over 30 years. He is a two-time Emmy winner, recipient of The Peabody Award, and honored with a special Academy Award for his Director/Writer/Producer work during that time. Here are some examples of his wide array of experiences.

  • He has served as Executive Producer/Writer/Director of multiple TV series and movies for television and estimates that he has supervised the production of over 100 hours of television, including Steven Spielberg's award-winning film "Class Of '61" starring Clive Owen, and "Women Of Valor" starring Susan Sarandon.
  • As a documentary film writer/director/producer, McCord was awarded a Peabody for his work on "Vietnam Requiem" made for ABC and a subsequent special Emmy and British music awards for his work on Paul Hardcastle's award-winning music video, "19." 
  • As a feature film writer/director McCord has partnered with such talented peers as Robert Towne, Aaron Sorkin, Gene Roddenberry, Phillip Noyce, Nick Cassavetes and Steven Spielberg. From 2001 until the present, McCord has produced over five major feature films including, "Ask The Dust," which was co-produced with Tom Cruise, starring Colin Farrell and Salma Hayek. McCord's award-winning film, "The Body," starred Antonio Banderas.
  • He also was instrumental in the story and producing the docudrama, "God, the Father" about the conversion of the mobster, Michael Franzese.

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